
Your MyPage….Put yourself in control

By Margaret Howe posted 07-16-2015 13:10


Your MyPage is what other users see when they view your profile. You can access your MyPage either from the My Options menu located on the upper right side of the every page or from your Profile page; there is a MyPage button on the right side of the page. You can customize your MyPage as much or as little as you want, and decide what personal information you want others to see. Your MyPage includes the following primary areas:

  • Profile Information: This area displays the information you provided in your profile. Even though you cannot directly edit this information from here, you do have the freedom to show or hide each field (e.g., user ID, email address, phone number, etc.), allowing you to control the personal information other users can see (any fields you have hidden are marked with an *).
  • Actions Menu: This menu allows you to configure and customize many aspects of your MyPage.
  • Custom Profile: In this area, you can further customize your MyPage using widgets.

To get started customizing your page start with the Actions menu. You can use the Actions menu to:

  • Edit Visibility Settings: Select this to choose which of your personal information fields you want to hide, show to all users, or show only to your connections. This option allows you to control what personal information other users can see.
  • Edit Layout: Select this to edit the page layout for the custom section of your MyPage (i.e., at the bottom, where your widgets are located). You can choose to have one or two columns of widgets, and select from a variety of column layouts.
  • Update Picture: Select this to update your profile's picture.
  • Update My Contact Links: If you belong to other sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Wordpress, you can use this option to link to them from your MyPage.
  • Update My Network: Select this to control whether the users you are connected to, the users you are following, and the users who are following you are hidden or visible on your MyPage.

You can choose to customize your MyPage further by adding widgets. Widgets are mini-applications you can add to customize your MyPage. You can add as many widgets as you want, allowing you to express yourself and provide additional information to other users about you and your interests.

There are many types of widgets you can add and configure--you can add widgets that show other users your contributions to the site, such as your latest forum or blog posts, and you can even add a YouTube video, flickr picture library, or images from your own personal media library. To add a widget, click the Add Widget button(s) at the bottom of your MyPage. In the pop-up, select the desired widget and click OK. Another pop-up will display, where you can configure the widget.

Now that you have your MyPage configured you can start making connections with other users. Look for Making Connections in an upcoming blog.


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